2015 Archives
Richmond Council, assembled toiletry bags for Comfort Zone Camp, a bereavement camp for children, at the June luncheon. We also collected sunblock, gel packs and styrofoam coolers for the camp. A total of 94 items were delivered on June 23, 2015, resulting in 32 volunteer hours.
Donating Happy Feet and Minds project to Salvation Army in the Tidewater Council. On May 11, 2015 the Tidewater Council delivered 100 books and socks to the Tidewater Area Salvation Army. 32 members participated in the project. GREAT JOB TIDEWATER COUNCIL – Old Dominion Chapter – New Vision Pioneers.
The Blue Ridge Council has made over 46000 bears and given them to area hospitals. We have 3 groups that make them each month. Joseph Goodman is the newest and youngest to help with the bear project.
What do you get when you put plastic bags, over 200 pairs of children’s socks, an assortment of elementary age books in the midst of a group of retired but active NewVision Pioneer folks? A lot of laughs, loads of fun, and a great way to spend the morning. That all adds up to “HAPPY FEET AND MINDS,” A national NewVision Pioneer project benefiting the Salvation Army. That’s the scene created on Monday, April 20, 2015, when the Peninsula Council of the Old Dominion Chapter gathered for their monthly Membership Meeting at Angelo’s Pancake and Steak Restaurant, Newport News, VA. It was like the atmosphere at Christmas-time, much laughter and good-natured kidding if you “lost” a sock. We were able to provide 120 bags packed with an age appropriate book from Scholastic and 2 pair of socks. It felt like family time, telephone family doing what it does best…helping others.
The Blue Ridge Council of the New Vision Pioneers went to the Salvation Army in Fredericksburg, Va and donated 102 Happy Feet and Minds kits.
Pictured are Caroline McWhirt, Dorothy Mills, Virginia Estes and Jeri Swann from the Salvation Army.
Joseph Goodman helped Robbin Willis fill 102 Happy Feet and Minds kit to be presented to The Salvation Army in Fredericksburg, Va on April 10, 2015
New Vision Pioneers – Old Dominion Chapter #43 and the Roanoke Council gave Westside Elementary Debate Team $1290 for the Debate Team to attend an exhibition debate with a middle school debate team. on the campus of Temple University. Pictured on the first row are some of the debate team and on the second row Left to right Linda Dudley President New Vision Pioneers – ODC#43, Mr.May, Debate Team Coach and Delores Ferguson Roanoke Council President. The Debate Team will be leaving April 16, 2015. Good Luck to team. ODC was honored to be able to help these well deserving kids.
Richmond Council Pioneers collected items for The James House, a domestic violence shelter in Prince George County. We also purchased additional items to add to the collection and presented all 67 items on Thursday, March 26, 2015. There were many multipacks of paper towels and toilet paper, along with personal toiletries and hand soap.The picture is of the items and Kiffy Werkheiser, Director of Donor Relations.